We're very excited to announce that "Atomic-scale Microstructure of Metal Halide Perovskite" has been awarded the 2020 European Microscopy Society Outstanding Paper Award in the area of Materials Science. Congratulations to authors Mathias Rothmann, Judy Kim, Juliane Borchert, Kilian Lohmann, Colum O'Leary, Alex Sheader, Laura Clark, Henry Snaith, Michael Johnston, Pete Nellist and Laura Herz. Please find the paper, which was produced by the STEM Group in collaboration with the Department of Physics, here.
The work was performed with the support of the David Cockayne Centre for Electron Microscopy, University of Oxford, for access and support in the use of the JEOL ARM200F instrument (proposal number EP/K040375/1) and additional instrument provision from the Henry Royce Institute (grant reference EP/R010145/1). Additional support was provided by Diamond Light Source for access and support in use of the electron Physical Science Imaging Centre (E02, MG21734) that contributed to the results presented. L.M.H. and M.B.J. thanked the Humboldt Foundation for research awards. Funding was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through grant EP/P033229/1 and through the EPSRC CDT for New and Sustainable Photovoltaics.