As a Royal Society University Research Fellow, my research interests primarily involve development of (S)TEM imaging techniques for phase contrast (particularly ptychography and beam shaping). My current focus is on maximising image quality at low electron dose for challenging materials samples. My primary affiliation is at the University of York; please see my profile here.
I received my PhD in 2016 from the EMAT laboratory at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). Following this, I spent time as a postdoc researcher at Monash University (Australia) and University of Glasgow (UK) where I specialised in DPC-STEM.
I joined Oxford Materials in February 2020 as part of the ESTEEM3 project, before being awarded a Marie Skłodowska Curie research fellowship (held at the University of Leeds). My current primary affiliation is with the School of Physics Engineering and Technology at the University of York, where I hold a Royal Society University Fellowship.
My up-to-date publication list is maintained on Google Scholar. Please find it here.
Open-access preprints of many of my articles are available on arXiv. Please find them here.