Peter Nellist

Prof Peter Nellist at work!

My research centres on the applications and development of high-resolution electron microscope techniques, in particular scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), including atomic resolution Z-contrast imaging, electron energy-loss spectroscopy and applications of spherical aberration correctors.

Our technique development work includes methods for the three-dimensional imaging and spectroscopy of materials, and methods to allow high resolution imaging and spectroscopy of radiation sensitive materials. Always we aim to use microscopy data in a quantitative way to make measurements of the atomic and electronic structure of materials.

In addition to being the Joint Head of Department, Peter Nellist is a Professor in the Department of Materials, and a Tutorial Fellow at Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford.

Pete gained his PhD from the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Since then he has worked in academia and in the commercial world in the UK, USA and Republic of Ireland.

In 2007 he was awarded the Burton Medal by the Microscopy Society of America for exceptional contributions to microscopy, and in 2013 the Ernst Ruska Prize of the German Microscopy Society.

He is the Vice-President of the Royal Microscopical Society, a Board Member of the European Microscopy Society and in 2020 was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.

  • 1997

Royal Society University Research Fellowship

  • 2007

Burton Medal by the Microscopy Society of America for “making an exceptional contribution to microscopy”

  • 2009

University Teaching Award in 2009 for “excellence in lecturing to undergraduate and postgraduates” in Materials Science

  • 2013               

Ernst Ruska Prize by the German Electron Microscopy Society for the development of confocal electron microscopy

  • 2013               

Birks Award of Microbeam Analysis Society for best contributed analytical paper to the Microscopy and Microanalysis conference 2013.

  • 2016               

European Microscopy Society prize for best published paper in materials science during 2015

  • 2019               

Appointed Joint Head of Department, Department of Materials, University of Oxford

  • 2020               

Elected Fellow of the Royal Society

Holder Building
University of Oxford
16 Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3PH


For general enquiries and scheduling, please contact his assistant at:
+44(0)1865 273676